Monday, November 1, 2010

Art Blog

I chose to go to San Diego Art Institute museum in Balboa park to find a painting to write my blog about. I picked a piece of work called That Afternoon painted by Mary Beck. I was drawn to that particular painting because of the light colors she used and the serene feeling it exuded. It felt peaceful and made me think of a family vacation moment. The image says equanimity and ease. The name, That Afternoon, makes me think that Mary Beck was expressing her desire for people to stop, look around and take every moment in. With the soft colors and swirling effect, I believed she captured that moment perfectly! Mary Beck says, “painting for me is a vehicle for creating a moment of silence for the viewer.” She also goes on to explain how she is, “fascinated by endless complexity of play of light on water vs. its transparency.” This piece was commissioned by San Diego Art Institute to be sold in their gallery art show currently taking place. I think this beautiful painting is aimed at those who wish to feel tranquility and relaxation when they pass it. To take a moment and feel the water splashing their ankles and the wet sand beneath their feet!


  1. Wow that's amazing... I would have never thought that was a painting unless told, it's very realistic and draws you in. Makes me wonder why I don't attend the beach as much as I used. Kind of ironic that I live 20 minutes from the beach and yet I never go. Great painting choice!

  2. Cool Choice. I like the feeling protraited by the painting.
