Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Museum visit Downtown SD. by David Reyes

For my museum visit I went to the museum of contemporary art in Downtown San Diego for the Viva la Revolucion: A Dialogue with the Urban Landscape exhibition. I am a huge contemporary street/urban art enthusiast so to find out that some of the biggest names in the game were having a show in San Diego, not to mention the fact that they did pieces all around downtown was incredibly exiting news to hear. As soon as I walked in I saw a 2010 untitled piece by Os Gemeos (the twins) Gustavio and Otavio Pandolfo two Brazilian street artists from that do pieces that make you feel as if you’re in a dream. Yellow skin, oval eyes, Brazilian folklore and faces hidden all through the painting are some of the main characteristics they bring in all their work. In this piece as in most of their museum work they utilize more of a sculptural aspect to their work making it more interactive with the audience, for instance this piece had two small doors that you could open (when the guard wasn’t looking). I saw this piece more as a family portrait with the mother as the lighthouse watching over you and lighting your way and the father being on top of you making sure you do not overdo it. The woman in reception didn’t know if it was commissioned so I couldn’t find that out but as to the audience, because of their carnival-like style, the audience is anyone (young and old, rich and poor). Which is one of the many reason why I am such a huge fan of these two brilliant artists. Overall my visit to the museum was amazing, I’ve always wanted to go to one of the “big shows” that I see only in pictures on my monitor.


  1. Thank you for your contribution, and for bringing this two artist to our attention.

    Considering the selection of colors used (bright and vibrant) I do think that it is intended for young/teenager viewers; yet I am not completely sure...

  2. Ive been to the museum and saw that piece. its amazing how detailed the artist gets.

  3. I wanted to see this show but I couldn't go so I went to the Timken's, next time

  4. Even though this piece has its bright colors and a childlike style that may assume to attract younger viewers. The content, fine details and mystical quality may attract an older viewer that appreciates a piece that has more depth to it that it originally seems.
    Overall I do believe it is meant for a child, the one that lives in us and comes out when viewing this piece.
