Thursday, December 9, 2010

Preschool Art Gallery!

I hope you guys enjoy my silly face! :-)
I work at a preschool. I didn't think it would be appropriate to name the school that I work at so it will remain nameless. (I made sure to tell Lara where I found this piece though.) :-) For the past six months, the school held an art gallery displaying the children's work. The school is designed to be an art gallery. The halls are tiwce the size of other halls and we have wires coming down form the top to hold the canvases. Later on this school year, lights will be installed so that people can enjoy the art gallery at night. I'm so exicted to see the project move forward!
The pience that I chose for thie particular assignment was by a boy named Colin. He's four years old. He called this piece "Ladybug". The reason why I was drawn to this pience because at first glance, I thought it was a submarine in water. When I looked closer, I saw that he had labeled it a ladybug. The colors he used sare so different than what an actual ladybug has. It reminds me of works done during the Fauvist era. The colors that are used are so vibrant and different than the norm.
Children's art is so interesting because children do not care about pleasing the audience. They just want to create. Children are very creative and tend to not abide by the "rules." Above all, their works seems to be unintentional but speaks so mucha bout the artist. COlin knows the colors of a ladybug, but he still chose to use different shades to blue to represent his ladybug. By him creating this piences, it's a reminder that art is and should not be held down by rules. Artists are encouraged to think outside the box!
The art pieces that were used for this art show were created by the chidlren and up for auction to the public. Anyone was allowed to view and purchase the canvases. However, in this particular case, the parents were the ones who purchased it. When they saw it, they were so impressed and wanted to keep the canvas for memory. Since children get such satisfaction by pleasing adults, I believe that Colin created this art for his teachers to be impressed.

1 comment:

  1. i really enjoy viewing art done by children. its so creating and imaginative. there not worried about technique, just making something that expresses how they feel. My favorite is when they give cameras to kids. I love the perspectives and subject matter that is captured.
