Sunday, December 5, 2010

Visit to the Timken

Today I went to the Timken Museum of Art at Balboa Park for the first time, I don't go to museums much, sadly.

When I walked in, the first thing that happened was that the people in the museum asked if I was a student, which caught me off guard. Then I started looking at the works of art, but there was one artwork that caught my attention especially, was a huge oil painting called simply Lovers in a Park there wasn't much information about it in the museum. From what I remember, there are two women and man in the painting. I really liked the details on the plants and the clothes. But looking closely at the date and the style in the painting. I realized that it might be from the Rococo period. I ask one of the caretakers, if I could take a picture of the portrait, sadly they said that I couldn't, but gave me a paper with the website of the museum if I wanted information and an image. The museum was very nice.

Here is a picture of me outside the museum.The paper the people at the museum gave me.

Later on, I decided to check the website. I found out that the painting was made in 1758 by Francois Boucher. One of the artists we saw in class and it was from the Rococo Period. I was awestruck.

This is some of the information on the painting I got from the Timken Museum website

"In Boucher's fairylike vision of a lush garden setting, a young couple and their spaniel have stopped to rest while out for a stroll. The man, who is weaving flowers into the hair of his lover, is distracted by the appearance of a milkmaid or shepherdess, who has been gathering flowers of her own. Any potential tension in the encounter is erased by the idealized quality of the scene."

Unfortunately I couldn't find any information on who commissioned it on the website.

But if you want to see an image of the painting just click on the link above and click Collection then click on the French section.

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